Hind Essayegh is the Curriculum and Training Manager at No Means No Worldwide, an international NGO working to end sexual violence through their violence prevention curricula. The organization trains instructors in high-risk environments to deliver the No Means No programs to girls and boys ages 10-20. Hind is also the regional director for Malikah’s DMV chapter. She leads the chapter’s programs building power and safety for Muslim women and girls through self-defense and healing. Hind has a diverse background as a linguist, educator, and gender justice organizer. Before her current positions, she worked as an Adjunct Professor of Arabic at Montgomery College in Maryland and as Communications Associate at KARAMAH: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights. The Center for Public and Nonprofit Leadership spoke with LeaderBridge alumna Hind about her experience in the nonprofit sector and in the Nonprofit Management Executive Certificate Program.
Read the full interview at https://cpnl.georgetown.edu/alumni-spotlight-hind-essayegh/